This is an example of how to use the CheckBoxes Widget.
#include "canvascv/canvas.h"
// These are used to create widgets
#include "canvascv/widgets/checkboxes.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace canvascv;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Mat image;
if (argc)
Mat orig = imread(argv[0]);
if (orig.empty())
if (orig.cols > 1024)
double ratio = 1024. / orig.cols;
cv::resize(orig, image, Size(), ratio, ratio);
image = orig;
Canvas::fatal("Must get a path to an image as a parameter" , -1);
c.setScreenText("Nothing selected");
stringstream s;
CheckBoxes::create(c, {
"One", // index 0
"Two", // index 1
"Three", // index 2
"Four" // index 3
}, cb,
Point(image.cols / 2., image.rows / 2.));
namedWindow("Canvas", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
c.setMouseCallback(); // optional for mouse usage see also (example_selectbox.cpp)
int key = 0;
Mat out; // keeping it out of the loop is a little more efficient
while (key != 'q')
c.redrawOn(image, out);
imshow("Canvas", out);
key = c.waitKeyEx(); // GUI and callbacks happen here
return 0;
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